Monday, November 26, 2012

My Golden Love on a Pig's Snout

Will these men ever change?
“I am different from all others, Baby give me a chance and I will prove it to you”
Jimi said with so much love in his eyes; his voice so subtle yet the deep bass from his vocal cord exuded passion from his love spell bounded heart. I was practically perplexed and humbled, a thrilling sensation ran through my veins that I melted inside, I felt like holding him and shouting
“I believe youuuuu!!!!”  hearing those sweet words from him.
If I was White, my blush would have stained his shirt, I couldn’t but have myself cloaked in his masculine curdle, where I feel more secured than a child in the womb.

I was that into my lover.

...and so when I discovered that my Jimi was not as faithful, I almost went insane.
Jimi, 'you love me and I know it but what then are you looking for inside the pant of another woman?'
Or is cheating just a man thing? Something you all must do no matter how much you love your wives?
WURA ATI FADAKA, is a movie that will appeal to you both emotionally and psychologically with an interestingly expository theme on marriage, love and faithfulness.
The truth is painted in its live colours and reality is analysed.

This story is touching, somewhat troubling as it tells the truth we are scared of, yes! But comforting in its expository prescription on how we should handle this species called "Men".

Sometimes I cried not because I'm as emotional, but because somethings I have always  felt   very frustrating about was stylishly revealed and proven otherwise.

Who are these people called men? Why are they sometimes  emotionally indifferent?
The suspense and twist in  WURA ATI FADAKA is amazingly revealing.

Is there anything called a faithful Man?

Click to watch  WURA ATI FADAKA    for FREE on IbakaTV

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